Characteristics of optical lens grinding machine and various mirror processing methods

For manufacturers of optical lenses, it is very important to understand and familiarise themselves with the characteristics of the lapping machine table of optical lenses.

Characteristics of optical lens grinding machine

1. LR (push and pull machine): pushing and swinging back and forth, suitable for processing concave convex surface lenses with larger R value.

2. flat pendulum machine: the plane swing swing is suitable for processing the lens with large radius and high precision of delta H.

3. LP-330: swing with the radius of pan (R), suitable for processing concave convex surface lenses with small R value.

Homework attention

1. before processing lenses: first of all, we should understand the work standard book of the corresponding department, according to the standard book to confirm whether the processing conditions conform to the standard, pressure, time, grinding powder, grinding skin, the appearance of sampling material, diaphragm, meat thickness and so on.

2. distinguish between the surface to be machined, avoid grinding the wrong surface and check the fixture situation at any time.

3. when the processing lens is first checked, the accuracy of the surface is confirmed, and the process should be checked independently, and the grinding dish is repaired every 2 hours to ensure that the amount of grinding is in the standard model.

When operating the swing machine, take the lens and press the air pressure switch before starting the machine, so as to prevent the lens from being charged and the fixture flying out.

A method of debugging and repairing dishes when machining accuracy is changed.

1. side is high: the lens is moved to the edge of the dish or repaired by negative dishes.

2. sides are low: the center of the lens is adjusted to the center of the dish or the dish is repaired.

3. medium height: lens swing to the center of the dish fine adjustment, then use negative dishes to repair 1~3 seconds, or center pad paper.

4. medium low: lens swing to the edge of the dish fine adjustment, and then use the dish to repair 1~3 seconds, or pad paper.

5. vertical side: the lens swing is adjusted to the center of the dish, then it is replaced by the negative dish.

6. imprint: the lens is turned to the edge of the dish, alternating with positive and negative dishes.


Scar: the scar on the surface of a machined object due to impact.

The classification of 1. scars and their common types

2. the scope of the scar: the central part is the 1/2 range of the effective diameter, and the outer part is the area outside the central part.

3. types of wounds: Class A - the rotation of lenses will disappear when viewed.

Class B - by rotating the lens, the wound becomes shallow and thinner.

Class C - there is no obvious change in the scar through observation

Class D - the scar does not change through observation, and the reflection reflects the reflection of light.

The judgment of the scar is mainly determined by three factors: length, width (thickness), brightness (depth), of which the depth is the most critical. The general light is examined by the rotation lens to see the changes in brightness, followed by the variation of the width (the thickness), and then the reflection and rotation observation is obvious, the trace is dim and not obvious and the longer strips are OK, On the other hand, it is NG.

Sand: due to the amount of grinding, the amount of grinding is not enough or the sand wall and the abrasive dish do not match, it is a small and dense small point, and it will be bright when it is serious. (the principle center section below 0.03mm can not be concentrated as OK, and the peripheral 0.05mm can not be concentrated as OK).

Eight, the material is not: for the production of nitrite in the production of bad performance, diversification, with the needle shaving without feeling.

Fixed point: when the sand is hung, the residual surface spots are not completely removed.

The size of the 1. point is routinely allowed 0.1mm

The 2. point position is divided into the center and the periphery

3. the general peripheral requirements are slightly loose, but a single point should not exceed 0.2mm

Rupture: the rupture of a lens edge, slope, chamfer, etc.

1. judgement: A. is very small, even if there are several continuous ones, it can be neglected.

B. has broken the core fracture to the 0.1mm of the abrasive surface, and the ink coated lens will be removed after the ink is removed.

2. precautions for fracture determination

The A. rupture itself does not exceed the specification requirement, but when the transmission or reflection is observed, the virtual image (reflection) appears within the effective diameter of the grinding surface and is clearly visible, and is judged to be a good product.

B. for those who do not apply sunglasses, they must be judged according to their specifications. If they are coated with ink, they will not be shiny.

C. grinding surface breakage: refer to the remaining width of the coating, that is, when the reflector is checked, it is generally cracked outside the coating area.

Corrosion: refers to the chemical reaction on the surface of the lens and the state of corrosion.

Corrosion judgment generally does not allow corrosion to exist, but for special conditions can be appropriately relaxed, corrosion mild blue and shallow, the whole surface of the uniform corrosion is judged to be OK, frog skin corrosion is generally below 5 points and dispersed OK products.

Twelve. Identification and function of several common abrasive powders

1. SS skin yellow particle size 1.4~1.6u is suitable for moderate abrasion grade.

2. H-1K skin size 1.8u is suitable for general material and can be mixed with 1650#.

3. 1650# white grain 2.0u is suitable for hard parts, but it is easy to grind powder and hard to wipe.

4. 101# skin red particle size 2.2u is suitable for hard material parts.

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