Design and technology of optical systems for astronomical telescopes

The refracting telescope would certainly want to know the design of the refracting telescope. Today, the telescope manufacturer has popularized its design and technical principles with two basic elements, the convex lens and the eyepiece of the object mirror, the object mirror in the refracting telescope, and the refraction of the light to the optical lens. The back end. Refraction can converge parallel rays to focus, rather than parallel rays, and converge to the focal plane. This can make distant objects look brighter, clearer and larger. Many different aberrations and deformations of refracted telescopes require different types of corrections.


Refraction astronomical telescope technology

Refracted telescopes have been blamed for the high residual chromatic aberrations and spherical aberrations. Short focus is more serious than long focal. A 4 inch F/6 achromatic refractometer still has the possibility of unneglecting color dispersion (usually with a purple halo near a bright celestial body), while a 4 inch F/16 will have only a little dispersion. In the very large caliber of the refractometer, there is also the problem of lens subsidence, which is the result of gravity deforming glass. The flaw in glass is a further problem, the air bubbles or stripes trapped in glass. In addition, glass is opaque to certain wavelengths, and even visible light is dim due to absorption and refraction in and out of interfaces. Most of these problems can be eliminated or reduced because of the use of mirrors, and they can also create larger caliber.

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