China made global astronomical telescope

The world's largest telescope, the world's largest astronomical telescope, receives nearly 30 football fields. It must be known. Today, the telescope manufacturer has brought people to know the world's largest diameter radio telescope built by China to find extraterrestrial life. The telescope is now formally invested in the mountains of Guizhou. Run。


Can you see "aliens"?

The progress of FAST project is affecting the "nerves" of astronomers and astronomers. Wu Xiangping, the director of the Chinese Astronomical Society and the academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that China has not been in the forefront of the world for a long time in the field of astronomical observation. If there is no accumulation of observation data, it is difficult to make a lottery with the use of other "second-hand things". When FAST is completed, it will make up for the lack of observation in China.

The definition is ten times that of the Harbert telescope

Swales said that astronomical telescopes are the only means of direct observation of the universe. 400 years ago Galileo used astronomical telescopes to observe a lot of things that humans had never seen through optical lenses. With the development of the telescope, the blurred universe became clearer. What is the concept of T hirtyM eter T ele-scope (T M T)? Thirty? Swales, introduced by the University of California, the California Institute of Technology, the astronomical research union of the Canadian University, the National Observatory of Japan, the National Observatory of China and the Ministry of science and technology of India, in twenty-first Century, is a giant optical - infrared astronomical observation equipment. Until then, no telescopes have attracted so many countries. "It's a unique one in history." Swales gave one analogy to illustrate its performance: the mobile camera we are using now, the lens mirror is only a few millimeters in diameter, and the photos taken are very good. The thirty meter telescope, like its name, has a lens diameter of 30 meters. The pictures it produced will be 10 times as clear as the most advanced Harbert telescopes. Swales said the telescope was started in October 2014 and planned to explore the universe in 2022. It was built in the International Astronomical Observatory, the great island of Hawaii, the 4100 meters above sea level, and the total cost of the project was $1 billion 800 million. At present, the optical system completes the initial design and enters the final design stage immediately.

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