Under what circumstances is the use of 1.5X just like magnification and 2/3X magnification?


Optical lenses are familiar to many astronomers, and many manufacturers of optical lenses in Huaian. Today, Xiaobian will talk with you about what to do with 1.5X, which is like magnification and 2/3X magnification.

1.5X is just like a doubling mirror. Its function is to magnify the image 1.5 times and correct the inverted image to a positive image. It is suitable for close range observation. It is generally used when observing the ground target. It is not necessary to observe the sky. The refracting mirror is the normal mirror image of the left and right sides, plus the 1.5X positive mirror. It is upside down, so 1.5X is on the refracting mirror. The mirror image can be obtained by using 1.5X positive mirror on the reflector.

The 2/3 X multiplier is a 2/3 magnifier, which is usually used when the target contrast is large and the brightness is sufficient. After the use of the magnification mirror, the light through each lens reduces its energy because of the increase in the number and multiplier of the lens, so the observed brightness of the target is darkened and the clarity decreases.

* when a planet is observed, it is best not to use a doubling mirror. The greater the doubling, the greater the impact on the image.

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